Network State Tools using Reclaim Protocol

Madhavan Malolan
Sep 11, 2023
Network State Tools using Reclaim Protocol
CodeNot Code

Reclaim Protocol can be used to create numerous tools that can fastforward us towards a network state. We are going to be running hacker houses around the world for builders to hack on their ideas for a three to six months with all their basics covered. If you’re a builder who is passionate about network states and is building tools to fastforward the future, join our discord and tell us what you’re building.

You can also apply for joining a hacker house here.

Below are some ideas that we’d like to see built at the hacker houses.

Truth chains

A network for news that is not controlled by any entity. Instead, anyone can publish facts on chain by providing the fact, its source and proof of authenticity. All facts are recorded on chain. Numerous AI models can compete to present this data in a human readable fashion. For example, the same basketball match may be interpretted differently by the fans of either teams. Similarly, political actions may have multiple interpretations. The truth chain should be a record of all factual information and AI models on top should churn out interesting articles using these onchain facts.

This product has two parts to it : the storage of data itself while proving the authenticity using Reclaim Protocol, and building the first AI model that utilizes the on chain facts.

Yearly Census Dashboard

Every year (or quarter, or month), members of a network state can pledge their continued allegiance to a said startup society by participating in census. This is a way for the society to signal its power. The census displays a dashboard consisting of the most important health metrics of a startup society. This could include, networth of individuals (crypto & fiat), country of residence, donations to philanthropy, revenue from businesses they’ve started. Maybe even do a token for Census.

All of the off chain census data can be fetched using Reclaim Protocol. This would require understanding of societies, philosophy and technology to be able to identify what metrics actually matter. Some signals are mentioned in the book, however practical implementation would require quick experimentation.

GPT Arbitration

A GPT bot for online arbitration of conflict. Train an AI on legal documents over the years. The documents used to train should have been retrieved from trust worthy sources. The startup society approves amends to the constitution via onchain voting. When a dispute occurs, the GPT is asked to provide a judgement based on the data it was trained on, the constitution that has been created by the startup society and evidences submitted by the involved parties.

The data used to train the model, and the evidences submitted by the parties must be from authentic sources as proven by Reclaim Protocol.

Dashboard to start Discord servers to bootstrap startup societies

A simple UX for a community manager to define rules basis which users can join their discord. A community manager should come to the UI, pick and choose from many available rules like contributions to open source, donations to philanthropy etc. If a rule is not available be able to define a rule. Users can prove that they satisfy these rules using Reclaim Protocol.

For rules that haven’t already been defined by others in code, a few lines of code would have to be written by the community manager. Bonus points if you can train a GPT model to translate natural language into these few lines of code.

Once these rules are defined, in one tap let the community manager spin up a Discord server where anyone who joins is asked to prove qualification on the set rules.

Onchain self-audit

A simple way for users to declare information about themselves like their annual income, real estate footprint etc. “The history of an Uber driver or rider’s on-platform behavior partially predicts their future behavior”.

Use Reclaim to retrieve this information from existing portals and apps.

Cancel Insurance

A way for users to be compensated in tokens if they get cancelled. A person who’s provably part of the network, and has been cancelled in some form can claim an insurance. This would be a new kind of a community, where you cannot get cancelled. The community itself may reside in an existing social network like farcaster, discord or could be a new social network.

Use Reclaim to generate proofs of being cancelled on the said platform.

Authentic Bios

Let people add authentic claims to their bio on twitter, telegram etc. Think linktree but with additional information like “Army Retired”, “American”, “Philanthropist” etc.

Use Reclaim protocol to attach proofs to each of the claims on the bio.

Some ideas for Network State

Based on Futarchy

Each physical person who joins the society gets one STATE coin every day airdropped to their wallet. Any amendment to the law of the society must be voted upon using futarchy. Basically, a user must vote by saying I’m going to buy 100 $STATE at for 1000 USDC if this law is passed.

Prove that the person is a unique human using Reclaim Protocol and services like Driving Licenses, Passports, National IDs.

Based on Demarchy

Democracy is where each person gets one vote. Demarchy is votes weighted by skin-in-the-game. For example, a Doctor should have more say in health policies than a plumber. A plumber should have more say in the import and export of hardware tools, than a software engineer and so on.

Use Reclaim Protocol to define the profession and credibility of the user joining the society.

Creator’s society

Create a network state startup society based on the fan following of an influencer online. Build tools and dashboards that will best let the society shape itself into a self sustaining community.

Use Reclaim Protocol to identify who are fans of the creator to bootstrap the society with.

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